
Learning a few words of Catalan to get by in hotels and restaurants

words of catalan Barcelona

In Barcelona you will often be tempted by the many cafés and restaurants that are dotted around the city. They are part of Barcelona’s charm. If you know a few words of Catalan, it’s much easier to ask for what you want and will only make your experience more pleasant!

This article complements another on our site that offers to teach you a few basic words and expressions in Catalan.

  • Pronunciation in Catalan is not particularly simple. To hear how to pronounce each word, click on the little triangle after it.

A few words of Catalan for the restaurant or café

plate fish


Is it nearly time to eat?

We’re hungry…

cup of coffee


We’re thirsty…

a pint of beer

Glug, glug, glug…

No time to stay, take it away…

Don’t forget to pay…

A few words of Catalan to get by in a hotel

We recommend you book your hotel in advance so as not to waste time on that at the start of your holiday. However, if you’re the type to improvise, here are a few words and expressions that might help.


To go a little further in your learning, a few basic conversational words in Catalan

Do not forget to check out our article: a little audio lesson in basic Catalan communication.

Moltes grĂ cies i fins aviat! 


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