Barcelona’s best cinema and TV theme bars

Just imagine it: you’re walking down a Barcelona street, looking for somewhere to have a drink. The city is your film set, and you’re ready to star in your own night out. Obviously, wherever you’re going needs to be up to standard:
- comfortable seating
- the right soundtrack
- somewhere to put your drinks
- good company
- a great location.
Not so easy, huh? Maybe life would be easier on the other side of the screen, watching from a comfortable cinema seat or, better still, your own sofa. Ok. Well. Overstretched metaphors aside, there’s no need to choose between your love of cinema and your craving for an evening out in a great bar!
Read on for our list of film and TV-inspired bars, where you can enjoy drinks “on location” and make like a star!
Lights, camera, and… action!
The opening scene: Pub Fiction, a Tarantino classic
Pub Fiction requires no explanation: obviously, the name refers to Tarantino’s cult classic Pulp Fiction, the inspiration behind this original and quirky bar.
Uma Thurman is everywhere: on posters, in caricatures, in the screensaver of a 1990s Mac on the bar. She’s watching you!
If you’re a true fan, you probably don’t need us to convince you to visit – but the real attraction of Pub Fiction is the amazing drinks menu.
- Bargain alert: here, €12 will get you not one, not two, but three mojitos – and they’re pretty great ones, too!
- Add in pineapple, watermelon or even fresh strawberries, and your tastebuds will be dancing like Mia and Vincent in no time at all.
- On match nights, the bar is a favourite destination for football fans, who you’ll find glued to the big screen.
- Pub Fiction can feel rather empty on weeknights – although that means you’re sure to get a seat and the barman’s full attention. At the weekends, it fills up fast, but there’s a great crowd. So which is it to be?
Why? For the exceptional mojitos
How much? 3 mojitos for €12
When? Tuesday to Saturday, 10pm – 2.15am and until 3am on Fridays and Saturdays
Where? Carrer de Casanova, 96 (Eixample)
Switch to the small screen: get “Lost” in Bharma
Poblenou with no idea where to go? If, like us, you enjoyed a certain television series (the clue’s in the title), the Bharma will call to you like an island in the middle of the ocean, an oasis in the desert…
The name of the bar may ring a bell: it’s a combination of the “Dharna Initiative” from Lost and “Barna”, a local name for Barcelona.
Almost everything here is designed to fit the theme: the trap door, the drinks labels, the “cave” walls, and more. There’s even a miniature version of the Oceanic 815 plane propped against one wall and an abundance of tropical foliage!
So – what is it that makes Bharna one of the best bars in Barcelona?
- The owners are true TV buffs, and they don’t stop at Lost. Not only do they screen episodes of Game of Thrones as they come out, but they also organise plenty of other themed events – take a look at the bar’s Facebook page for details.
- You’re in for a true multi-sensory experience! Enjoy the visuals, taste the beer and tapas, and listen out for a certain mysterious monster in the toilets…
- The bar is a mere 4-minute walk from the legendary Razzmatazz nightclub.
Leave Bharna, and there’s a fair chance you’ll end up quoting Jack, on leaving the island, “We have to go back!”
Why? For the unique décor
How much? Tapas €2 – 4, beer from €2
When? Monday – Thursday, 7am – 11pm; Friday and Saturday, 10.30pm – 3am
Where? Carrer Pere IV, 93 (Poblenou)
Final credits: Polaroid, a retro bar that’s great for film buffs
The Polaroid Bar is a bit different from the other places on our list as it isn’t devoted to one specific film or series. That said, it clearly deserves its place here: the 80’s and 90’s theme in the bar is essentially based on film culture. You’ll spot references to ET, Indiana Jones, the Karate Kid and more – there’s something for everyone!
There’s more to the Polaroid than the décor, too – twice a week, the bar turns into a cinema! On Tuesdays, they show documentaries on legendary bands, political themes or environmental issues; Fridays are reserved for classics, shown in their original language with subtitles.
- Bargain alert! Show up for a film screening and you’ll get a hotdog, nachos, popcorn and a drink with your ticket… all for a mere €5!
- The playlist is packed with all the classics: Madonna, Lou Reed, Michael Jackson and even Spanish pop-rock. The list goes on!
- We absolutely love the names of the cocktails – try a Han Solo or a Miyagi-San.
- The Polaroid has quite a fan club, and it can get pretty full on cinema nights. The price of fame! Try to arrive early to make sure you get in…
Why? For a trip back to the 1980s
How much? Cocktails €6, beer €1.50, free popcorn
When? Sunday – Thursday, 7pm – 2.30 am; open until 3am Friday and Saturday
Where? Carrer dels Còdols, 29 (Gòtic)
Cinema fans, TV junkies and bar lovers… that’s your lot!
Aaaand it’s a wrap! Cut!